Living the Golf Lifestyle connects Buyers, Sellers and Renters of Golf Property throughout the world. In this section we feature real life stories from Buyers of Golf Property who made the decision to live the Golf Lifestyle and are loving it! Their stories are interesting, entertaining and, even inspiring.
Reading about what other Buyers of Golf Property love and enjoy about their home on or around a golf course may help you decide on what you are looking for in your next home.
We will feature real Buyer/Owner stories and experiences from around the world. Some Owners may have young families, others will be professionals, while others may be retired. Some will play golf and others will be Non Golfers. Regardless of their background, these Owners bought their property to enjoy the many benefits of living on or around a Golf Course.
If you would like to share your story, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please send us your story plus up to four good quality photos to: [email protected]