Why Use golfproperty.com?

golfproperty.com specifically targets buyers who are looking to purchase property in or close to a golf community. Buyers can search by country, golf course and architect as well as city, suburb, price range and type of dwelling. Therefore, your property listing is reaching exactly the buyers seeking your type of property.

The current growth in international demand for golf properties is underpinning in excess of 500 new golf property developments around the world being planned or in construction right now. While these properties often attract premium prices and high net worth investors, they are increasingly available to a broader range of Buyer segments, even including first home buyers. However, often language barriers and advertising costs prevent Selling Agents and Developers from targeting each geographical market and buyer segment individually.

golfproperty.com overcomes that barrier by listing properties on a global platform in the buyer’s native language, giving Developers and Agents access to a much broader and significantly more targeted Buyer group.


golfproperty.com will feature properties from across the world, including Australia, India, USA, China, Asia, and Europe, providing property listings, summaries of golf courses and biographies of the top golf architects. We provide Buyers key information to help them select their next property, eliminating the need to visit numerous other sites. We target Buyers across the English-speaking world, plus China, India and Europe, who are looking for a new home or investment property.


There is a huge international market for golf lifestyle properties across the world, and so we will offer our listings and information in multiple languages including English, Mandarin, and a range of other languages.

golfproperty.com’s international presence will provide access to buyers throughout the world from just one platform, eliminating the need to list on multiple sites and in different languages.


Finding property listings that meet a Buyers’ specific criteria is fast and easy, using golfproperty.com’s advance Search Filtering. This eliminates the need to visit several other sites to get the key information Buyers need to select their next property purchase.

golfproperty.com is just as convenient to Agents, Brokers and Realtors with uploading listings via their standard interface plus selection of listing package and upgrades via one click.


We make it fast and easy to find golf property anywhere in the world, with international listings translated into multiple languages. Our site is simple to navigate for buyers as well as Agents, Brokers and Realtors – and we keep it easy, with the ability for Buyers to contact Agents instantly and directly.

All in one place

By using golfproperty.com, purchasers can gain a strong understanding of the various golf communities across the world with in-depth summaries of courses and their facilities, bios on course architects, and our comprehensive listings of properties or off-the-plan developments for sale. We also provide you latest golf news and other information relating to this exciting property category. Rental listings, and other options are coming soon.

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